Instant File Find is a desktop search tool that lets you find files instantly on your computer. It is designed to speed up your daily work by helping you locate files instantly. With quick buttons, you can list all music or document files ( or other types) on your computer instantly. Quick buttons are customizable, so you can customize your own search toolbar. Instant File Find can sort results by size and date, helping you cleanup hard-drive easier. You will be able to restrict the results by specifying the modified date, size or location.Find files on your computer instantly.
31 Temmuz 2009 Cuma
Instant File Find Beta /
Instant File Find is a desktop search tool that lets you find files instantly on your computer. It is designed to speed up your daily work by helping you locate files instantly. With quick buttons, you can list all music or document files ( or other types) on your computer instantly. Quick buttons are customizable, so you can customize your own search toolbar. Instant File Find can sort results by size and date, helping you cleanup hard-drive easier. You will be able to restrict the results by specifying the modified date, size or location.Find files on your computer instantly.
30 Temmuz 2009 Perşembe
29 Temmuz 2009 Çarşamba
Model C1A3F297 Command Line Translator 1.15G-29
The Command Line Translator has been designed to be a flexible yet practical computer application program for the purpose of giving software developers, systems integrators, and medical billing professions a tool that will allow them to create solutions and solve problems they might encounter in their business processes relative to the scope of Electronic Data Interchange and health care. The Command Line Translator is a cost effective way to add HIPAA X12 electronic claims to an existing system. Model C1A3F297 Command Line Translator can also be used to repair X12 837 files that no longer meet the insurance carriers specificPowerful solution for solving problems related to Electronic Data Interchange and health care.
The Polsedit application was designed to be a free utility that allows you to modify user policies such as user account rights and user privileges on a local or remote Windows NT-based system. This can be useful when for some reason you are unable ro run secpol.msc snap-in, for example, XP Home and Vista Home do not have secpol.msc at all. The user interface of Polsedit is very similar to the standard policies editor from Windows, but it also displays some internal data, which can be useful for developers.A free utility that allows you to modify user policies such as user account rights and user privileges on a local or remote Windows NT-based system
28 Temmuz 2009 Salı
Professional Notepad 2.92.9
Professional Notepad is an advanced utility which lets you view and edit HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, PERL, SQL, Delphi, C++ and other languages source code.Professional Notepad it is a powerful editor supporting the features youve always dreamt about, such as syntax highlighting, Code Templates, bookmarks, unlimited text size, URL highlighting, line numbers, powerful search and replace, multiple undo/redo, Drag&Drop, color printing, etc.While it can serve as a perfect replacement for Windows Notepad, it also offers many powerful features for Web page authors and programmers.A complex Notepad Text and HTML Editor for Windows with syntax highlighting
DRE - Multi Drive Imaging 1.0.3
Copies hard disks to image files. Supports multiple hard disk drives, all drive types including ATA/PATA, SATA, eSata, SCSI, USB, Firewire, SAS. Will also image memory cards. Data can be stored on locally attached hard disks or to network shared media. Other features let you turn off the computer once the imaging process is complete. In addition, this application will also warn you when there is not enough space on the selected target media.Easily copy hard disks to image files.
27 Temmuz 2009 Pazartesi
LAlarm 2.1 Build 3493
LAlarm is free laptop alarm security software, which sounds an alarm when a laptop is in danger of being stolen or losing data, and it destroys data if the laptop is stolen. LAlarm protects laptop and precious data against theft. It also prevents laptop failure and data loss due to HDD (hard disk drive) errors and sudden power loss. LAlarm also destroys the data if the laptop is stolen.Protect laptop against theft. Laptop theft is common and a constant threat to laptop security. LAlarm emits a loud siren sound when a thief tries to steal a laptop. For example, removing the AC power cord from a locked laptop will trigger the alarm. Protect data against theft. LAlarm protects sensitive data in a laptop by permanently destroying the data if the laptop is stolen. The US Department of Defense clearing and sanitizing standard (DOD 5220.22-M) is used to ensure that data is securely destroyed. Prevent data loss. The HDD (hard disk drive) holds important data but is subject to frequent error and logical or physical damages due to various causes. If error or damage is detected at an early stage, it could be repaired before becoming a more serious problem and prevent serious data loss. As a matter of fact, this application will notify you of both physical and logical disk issues.Prevent laptop failure. Hard disk drive problem is a common cause of laptop failure. But most users are not aware of such problems being developed and escalated until the HDD finally halts and the data becomes irrecoverable. LAlarm detects signs of HDD deterioration and recommends a HDD replacement, thereby, a laptop failure is prevented. As a result, a costly laptop repair expense is saved. Prevent laptop damage. LAlarm alerts when a possible sudden power loss is imminent. The user will then be able to save the data and shutdown the computer properly and/or switch to the AC power. LAlarm not only helps prevent data loss but also the hardware damage because a sudden power loss could damage the laptop hardware and corrupt data.NOTE: Free for personal use.Laptop alarm that protects laptop and data.
StudioLine Web
StudioLine Web is an application that creates and publishes professional web sites in a single interface without any HTML knowledge.StudioLine Web combines all functions for creating, publishing, and updating professional web sites in a single user interface. It fully integrates StudioLine Photo.StudioLine Web will help you import images from cameras and scanners, create image collages, use image tools and apply special effects directly on your page - and immediately view the outcome in true WYSIWYG mode. Batch editing functions are simple drag and drop actions. Find pictures in the image archive using your descriptions and any combination of system, camera and user tags. Automatically generated web galleries and slide shows.A software for creating and publishing professional web sites, all in a single interface without HTML knowledge.
CopyTrans Photo 2.370
This application allows you to transfer, backup, copy or download your photos from your iPod to your PC.Just drag and drop your iPod photos to transfer them on your computer or to play them in a SlideShow.CopyTrans Photo is the ultimate backup, recovery and sharing tool for your iPod photos. Recover your beloved holiday souvenirs in just a few clicks and share them with your friends. With its intuitive interface, CopyTrans Photo lets you put your iPod pictures in a safe place in no time.Allows you to recover your holiday souvenirs in just a few clicks and share them with your friends.
Presentation Assistant 1.6.7
Presentation Assistant is a a great and useful application which wiil help you create professional presentations with a projector. Whether you are a lecturer, project manager, commissioner, department manager or specialist, when you have a meeting, provide training, introduce your product or demonstrate operations, she can help you express more clearly to add strong impact to the meeting or training course.Presentation Assistant provides various tools that can help the lecturer convey skills and knowledge to trainees with improved clarity. When you are doing a presentation, the Electronic Pointer can help the audience see the pointed content more clearly; adding various indication marks on the screen can highlight key points, using Spotlight and Curtain can attract the audience to focus on the current key area; with a Screen Magnifier, the demonstration of all operations can be clearer. Presentation Assistant can help you chair a meeting more efficiently. During meeting admission, a countdown or a normal clock is displayed on the projection screen to remind the audience of the time. All programs or files to open are pre-configured, so you can open them quickly and comfortably without running into a mess. Required music files can be pre-configured within Presentation Assistant, so they can be played at any time.Presentation Assistant is also an electronic whiteboard application. You can write or draw on screen. You do not need to wipe anything off when it is full, because you can open as many whiteboards or blackboards as you like, and what on them can be saved automatically.A cute assistant when you give a presentation
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